When it’s time to upgrade your company’s mower fleet, your decisions go beyond zero-turn or walk-behind and deck size. You also need to consider fuel options. There are many benefits […]
When you purchase an Exmark walk-behind mower with our Enhanced Control System (ECS), you tap into the power of good design to solve problems. This unique, patented system is designed...
Project Evergreen has extended the deadline for entries in the “Our Winning Green Space” contest. The new entry deadline is Tuesday, November 15. Held in partnership with Exmark, the Sports...
If you care about keeping your lawn looking lush and green for as long as possible, you’ve probably used (or considered using) fertilizer. After all, when things start to look patchy...
There are times when you want to bag the mulch you mow, and there are times when discharging off to the side is preferable. There are also times when neither...
If you’re lucky, you’ve spent most of 2016 enjoying a beautiful green lawn rolling off in every direction. If you’re not so lucky, and your lawn is less like a...
If you own an Exmark mower, you already know what it’s like to get a clean, precise finish on every lawn you mow. Exmark has long been considered one of...