Collierville, TN landscape contractor visits Exmark to watch his mower on the production line
As he watched the bare chassis of his new Lazer Z X-Series zero-turn riding mower moving onto the production line, Tennessee landscape contractor Brian Coe said he still couldn’t quite believe his good fortune.
Coe, owner of Coe Lawn Care, won the new mower, valued at more than $13,000, along with a trip to Exmark’s Beatrice, Neb. headquarters. His name was chosen in a random drawing by Exmark on the final day of the 2013 GIE+EXPO show in Louisville, KY.
In late-November 2013, Coe flew to Nebraska with his father, Gene, to visit Exmark where they received an in-depth tour of the company’s production line and testing facilities.
Coe said one highlight of the trip was the opportunity to participate in the manufacturing of his mower on the Exmark production line.
“To see how much research and testing Exmark does on their products was incredible. And it was really great to be able to help on the production line as my mower was being built.
“What made it even better was the fact that, prior to this I didn’t know my dad was from Nebraska, or that my sister was actually born in Lincoln. While we were there, we drove by the house where my mom and dad used to live.”
Located just 40-miles from the Exmark factory in Beatrice, Lincoln is not only the Nebraska State Capital, it is home to a number of Exmark employees. It was also where Gene Coe and his young family spent its early years.
The timing of his new Lazer Z X-Series mower worked out very well, Coe said. He was in the market for a new zero-turn mower for the 2014 season and the Exmark was one of the brands at the top of his list.
Exmark Director of Marketing, Daryn Walters, said he was proud the mower could go to an owner-operator like Coe, as he’s an example of why Exmark is never satisfied with the status quo.
“All of us at Exmark are committed to helping landscape professionals like Brian increase productivity and decrease operating costs,” Walters said. “We were honored to host Brian and his father, Gene, in Beatrice, and we’re proud to welcome Brian and Coe Lawn Care into the Exmark family.”
Upon completion of manufacturing, Exmark shipped Coe’s new Lazer Z X-Series mower to him in Tennessee.

Brian and Gene Coe (at right) stand with Brian’s new Lazer Z, which is ready to ship off to him in TN. Exmark General Manager, Judy Altmaier, Director of Marketing, Daryn Walters, Associate Marketing Manager, Katie Tauer, and Marketing Manager, John Cloutier stand with the Coes.