If you’re looking to add an aerator to your equipment fleet, there’s one question you need to answer: should you buy a stand-on or a walk-behind aerator? The answer will depend on your business needs, the types of property you maintain and your terrain, but we have some basics that can help you choose the right configuration.
Walk-Behind Aerators
If your budget is limited, walk-behind aerators typically have a lower price-point than stand-ons. They are well-suited for small areas, so if you primarily maintain residential properties with small to medium lot sizes, a walk-behind should meet your needs. They’re self-propelled, but an operator may still experience fatigue after a day of steering one around properties, especially if they aren’t designed with ergonomic features or the operator’s comfort in mind.
Exmark’s 21-inch walk-behind aerator has a top speed of 4 mph, and can cover almost one acre per hour. It has straight-forward controls, ergonomic handles, and features heavy-duty, self-cleaning tines. It operates in both forward and reverse, and pulls 4.6 plugs per square feet.
Stand-On Aerators
Stand-on aerators are more comfortable for the operator, and can result in less fatigue. They’re typically larger and operate at higher speeds than walk-behind aerators, resulting in better efficiency for your operation. They are ideal for larger lots, parks and athletic fields, and allow you to aerate more acres in less time — which can mean more profits for your business. When you figure in the increased productivity, a stand-on may be a better purchase in the long run. Stand-ons provide improved traction and maneuverability, allowing you to negotiate tight spaces with zero-turning radius.
Exmark makes stand-on aerators in a 24-inch and a 30-inch model. With the ability to easily set tine depth between 0.5 inches and 5 inches, the Electronic Depth Control allows operators to maintain consistent core quality around a property—allowing operators to cover more ground, more efficiently. The 24-inch model will fit through a standard 36-inch residential gate, making it ideal for residential property maintenance. It can reach speeds of up to 6.8 miles per hour and aerates almost 1.4 acres per hour. The 30-inch stand-on model reaches speeds up to 7 miles per hour and aerates more than 1.8 acres per hour. Both Exmark stand-on models include a unique platform suspension that provides an extra-smooth ride for the operator, which increases their comfort and may help reduce fatigue.
Choose Exmark
Whether you choose an Exmark stand-on or walk-behind aerator, they feature commercial grade engines and are built to be durable and easily maintained. To schedule a demo, see your local Exmark dealer.